Cycling Colombia: Secrets, Stories & Tips
Local insights and expert tips to plan the perfect bike tour in Colombia.
Why We Ride: A Story of Colombici
At Colombici, we believe cycling is more than just a passion; it’s a pathway to connect with Colombia’s vibrant culture and warm-hearted people. In our article, “Why We Ride,” we explore the beauty of shared experiences on two wheels—where every mile brings a deeper understanding of this extraordinary country. Discover how the passion of Colombians and the thrill of cycling together create unforgettable moments that make each ride a journey of connection and discovery.
Bogotá: the most underrated cycling destination in Colombia.
Join us in decoding the cycling debate surrounding Colombia’s capital and revealing why it’s often overshadowed by other regions. Let’s unravel Bogotá’s appeal and discover why it deserves more recognition as Colombia’s top cycling destination.